Chartered Clubs in Fresno County

Fresno Stonewall Democrats
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
Los Amigos Mexican Restaurant
5088 N. Blackstone Ave., Fresno

Democratic Women in Action
Mission Statement
- To influence the development and enactment of progressive policies and platforms of the County, State and National Democratic Party.
- To mobilize quickly via social media, calls and Internet Democratic grassroot activists to respond to pressing issues locally, statewide and nationwide.
- To identify, promote and encourage the election of outstanding and effective women Democratic candidates for public office by endorsements, contributions and active support.
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
4020 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno

Clovis Democratic Club
Mission Statement
The Clovis Democratic Club is devoted to advancing equal rights for all people.
We support the Democratic Party and those Democratic candidates who support our mission.
We will strive to achieve (realize) these goals:
- To educate this community and others about the significant differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to this community.
- To assist (lead) the Democratic Party and to improve its record on issues of importance to this community.
- To work for the nomination of Democratic candidates at all levels who will be fully supportive of the struggle against bigotry and intolerance.
- To encourage our community to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating prejudice and economic injustice.
- To work with other groups and individuals to promote these goals.
Meeting Times
Third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location
Kennedy Club of the San Joaquin Valley
Mission Statement
- To develop policies of and support for the platform of the Democratic Party, and to be responsible for their implementation.
- To consistently build membership, further the political education of members and encourage political participation.
- To encourage qualified members to run for elective office and to recommend and support them for public appointments.
- To promote the election of outstanding Democrats for public endorsements, contributions and other assistance.
- To cooperate with other Democratic organizations in preserving, strengthening and advancing the principles of the Democratic Party.
- To cooperate with the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee (FCDCC), the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC), the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the California Democratic Council (CDC).
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club
Mission Statement
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
Currently Meeting Online, call for link
Young Democrats of Fresno County
Mission Statement
The California Young Democrats of Fresno County’s mission is to develop, support and sustain a network of local young progressives in their efforts to raise awareness of pressing issues and help mold the future of the Democratic Party
Meeting Times and Location

Fresno County Democratic Women's Club
Mission Statement
The purpose of this club is to participate in the activities of the Democratic Party, including registration, campaigning, get-out-the-vote, the Big Fresno Fair booth and California Democratic Council conventions. We support Democratic candidates actively and financially. We influence legislation when the membership deems it appropriate.
Founded by Margaret Robinson in 1932: The oldest continuously operating Democratic club in California.
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
Call or email for meeting location
Carole Laval
California Latina Democrats - Fresno
Mission Statement
Meeting Times
Meeting Location

Fresno County Hmong Democrats
Mission Statement
We, as Democrats, are devoted to advancing equal rights for all Hmong people regardless of age, race, gender, sexual preference, religion, national origin or economic status. We support the Democratic Party and those Democratic candidates who support our mission.
We will strive to realize these goals:
- To educate the Hmong community and others about the significant differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to this community.
- To encourage, empower and inspire Hmong to run for political office.
- To encourage members of the Hmong community to support and vote for Democratic candidates, especially Hmong Candidates who are committed to defeating prejudice.
- To lead the Central Valley Hmong Democrats to improve its record on issues of importance to our community.
- To work for the nomination of Hmong Democratic candidates at local, state and national levels of government who will be fully supportive of the struggle against bigotry and intolerance.
- To provide manpower, resources, guidance and training to support and provide Hmong political candidates the best experiences and opportunity.
- To provide Hmong elders and non-English speakers the support they need during elections.
- To work with other groups and individuals to promote these goals.
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
1033 U St., Fresno
Sanger Democratic Club
Mission Statement
- To serve as a club organization of the Democratic Party in Fresno County in cooperation with the National, State and County Committees.
- To conduct Democratic Party activities in Fresno County under the general direction of the Democratic State Central Committee and Regional Democratic leadership.
- To assist in the building of party organization under the general direction of Regional Democratic leadership at the regional and county levels to register, reeducate and turn out Democratic voters.
- To encourage the fullest possible civic participation of all Democratic voters.
- To assist in the development of party policies and positions under the general direction of Regional Democratic leadership and to communicate such to the public and all officeholders.
- To provide a forum for the study and discussion of public issues.
- To assist in conducting a public relations program under the general direction of Regional Democratic leadership for the Democratic Party throughout Fresno County and to represent the Democratic Party within the county.
- To ensure, as far as possible, the election of the Democratic Party nominees and candidates endorsed by this Club and Regional Democratic leadership.
- To perform such other duties and services as will benefit the Democratic Party in Fresno County.
Meeting Times
Meeting Location

West Fresno Democratic Club
Mission Statement
Meeting Times
Meeting Location
1033 U Street, Fresno, CA 93721
Fresno City College Democratic Club
Meeting Times and Location
New Democratic Clubs
The following clubs are under formation: Foothills Progressive Action Group 559-855-4004 or Nueva Alianza Para el Cambio (San Joaquin) 559-859-8717 or